What is Coccidiosis?

Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease of the intestines that is caused by a coccidian protozoon.  Different types of the parasite effect different animals and can spread from one to another through contact with droppings as well as with infected tissue.  One of the main symptoms is diarrhoea but in many cases, the parasite causes no… Continue reading What is Coccidiosis?

Do Finches Need Heat in Winter?

One of the most commonly asked questions among finch keepers new and experienced is whether their birds need heat in the winter.  While there is no complete answer to the question, there are a few considerations to help guide you as to whether heat is needed and how much. Bird build The first thing to… Continue reading Do Finches Need Heat in Winter?

What is Aspergillosis?

Unfortunately, despite all our best efforts, sometimes our birds contract respiratory and airways infections and one of the most common of those is called Aspergillosis.  This is a fungal infection that attacks the respiratory tract of the bird and causes illnesses. Symptoms There are two forms of Aspergillosis, acute and chronic, and the symptoms are… Continue reading What is Aspergillosis?

Most Common Finch Health Problems

Birds instinctive hide any illness or injury from the world around them and this can mean being a finch owner can often meaning being something of a detective.  You need to be able to notice changes in their behaviour or physical condition that may indicate something is wrong.  And sometimes there is nothing you can… Continue reading Most Common Finch Health Problems